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Award Winning M&A Business Brokers in Delaware

Business Brokers to Sell a Delaware Company

If you are located in Delaware and seeking to sell your business or buy or merge a business, our services are designed for you. Synergy Business Brokers is a professional broker with locations in Delaware and throughout the Northeast. We have experience selling companies in Delaware and have buyers interested in purchasing more businesses in Delaware.  Learn more about our services and how we help our clients.

Hear about our services from past clients and enjoy services from some of the best business brokers in the United States.

Contact Us

  • Please provide some information on the business you would like to sell. We sell profitable companies with annual revenue of $700,000 to $70 Million+.*

  • One of our experts will reach out within 1 business day to set up a consultation.

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Sell Your Delaware Business

Selling Companies in Delaware

If you are considering selling a company in Delaware, you want to evaluate your options. We sell Delaware companies in manufacturinghealthcareservicestechnologytransportation, distribution, and construction.  Our focus is selling companies in these industries with an owner's net income of $250,000 to $7 Million (including the owner's salary & benefits). If your company falls within that range, we provide a confidential consultation.

There are a variety of ways to sell your Delaware business, but the best way is by contacting Synergy Business Brokers to sell it for you. Our professional Delaware business brokers will help sell your business efficiently and effectively, so you can retire or move towards your next venture. Learn about Synergy Business Brokers and how we can sell your Delaware business.

M&A Brokers for DelawarePotential Buyers for Delaware Companies

Delaware is a desirable place to do business and has seen a building boom in many areas, including Wilmington. We have buyers looking for companies in the industries that we serve throughout Delaware, including Wilmington, Dover, Newark, New Castle County, Sussex County, and Kent County.

We have potential buyers that are interested in expanding through acquisition in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, including Delaware.  Our database of 25,000 potential buyers ensures that all of the businesses we sell have multiple potential buyers. Our experienced M&A professionals will guide you through the process with no fee until your business is sold.

Common Questions About Selling A Business In Delaware

At Synergy business brokers, we have sold many professional businesses. With each of these sales, we received many questions from sellers and buyers alike. Below are a few common questions we receive about selling their Delaware business. We are able to discuss questions specific to your business during our consultation.

How Much Should I Sell My Delaware Business For?

Determining the value of your Delaware business is extremely important. This is one of the first steps to selling your business effectively. Synergy Business Brokers can provide a business valuation. Business Valuation takes into consideration a variety of financial factors around your business. Get your Delaware business valuated.

When Should I Sell My Delaware Business?

Many business owners wait too long to sell their business. If you feel you are ready to retire in the next couple of years, you might consider starting the process of selling your business. Many business owners remain working with their business after it is sold. Typically this is temporary and designed in the contract of sale. This is so your Delaware business can succeed even after you retire.

Where Can I Sell My Delaware Business?

Synergy Business Brokers markets your Delaware Business locally, nationally, and internationally. There are a wide variety of qualified buyers who are interested in purchasing your business located in Delaware.

Can My Delaware Business Survive Without Me?

Your Delaware business might be hard-pressed to try to survive without you. This is why you can build into your sale of business a transition period. This way, you can leave when you are ready, and the business can survive you leaving.

Will I Have To Pay A Tax When I Sell My Delaware Business?

Yes, you will have to pay taxes on your Delaware business. It is important to have an accountant to help manage the sale of your business. An accountant will write the correct write off‘s for the sale of your business. This is important to factor into your business’s sale, especially if you plan to retire on the profits of selling your Delaware business.

How Long Does It Take To Sell My Delaware Business

Selling a business in Delaware can take a minimum of a few months, but typically it takes 6-10 months. This is highly dependent on the industry of your Delaware business. Certain industries are in high demand, like technology or manufacturing. We work with a wide variety of industries and focus on effective selling tactics, so your business can sell in the time frame you desire.

Confidential Delaware Business Sales

It's important to maintain the confidentiality of the sale of your company.  You don't want competitors, customers, employees, and suppliers to know that you are selling your business. That's why it's important to have an experienced M&A Broker that understands how to market the business while maintaining confidentiality.

Selling your business isn’t like selling a home. You can’t put signs up around the state of Delaware or an ad in the paper. You’ll have employees quitting, and your business will fall apart before you even get the chance to meet with an interested buyer. That is why we keep the sale of your business confidential. From consultation to negotiating the sale of your business, Synergy Business Brokers ensures your business can continue to succeed through confidentiality. Get a free, confidential consultation for selling your Delaware business and a business valuation.

Valuing a Business

We'll review your financial information and provide you with an estimate of the potential selling price. If this aligns with your expectations, we'll begin the marketing process, which includes internet advertising and contacting potential buyers in your industry. It's a process that unfolds over time. Typically, we can introduce the first qualified buyer within 1-8 weeks, and it's 1-6 buyers that we introduce to sell a business. Normally it's 6 to 10 months from start to finish, but we have sold a number of businesses in a couple of months if everything goes ahead quickly.

Contact us to sell your Delaware Business

If you are ready to start a conversation with us to see if we can help, please fill out our form online or call our Delaware Business Broker, Casey Hoskins, at 302-747-8827.

If you’re looking to sell your Delaware business, contact us today. Learn how to sell your Delaware business and get the business brokerage services that you need.

One of our M&A advisors will follow up with you and discuss your goals and see if we can help you to meet them. We'd be happy to answer any questions you might have, such as:

  1. How do I sell a construction business in Delaware?
  2. What is the potential price for my manufacturing company in Wilmington?
  3. How long does it take to sell a Delaware Tech company?
  4. Do you have buyers for a Services Business in Delaware?
  5. Are Engineering Companies in the Wilmington Area desirable?
  6. What types of healthcare companies in Delaware are you interested in selling?

Delaware Mergers & Acquisitions

How To Merge And Acquire Businesses In Delaware

If you want to merge or acquire a business in Delaware, you need a professional M&A firm. Synergy Business Brokers it’s one of the best M&A firms serving Delaware. Learn how our years of experience and knowledge in merging businesses can help make your Delaware merger successful.

Is a Delaware Merger and Acquisition Profitable?

While mergers have a high upfront cost, they are typically profitable for a business. You can take the strengths of the two separate businesses and combine them. Leaving behind any weaknesses or flaws in the other two business structures.

Acquire A Company In Delaware

If you want to acquire a Delaware Business, view our businesses for sale page. We have a wide range of businesses listed for sale on the east coast and throughout the United States.

Contact Delaware M&A Experts

Contact synergy mergers and acquisitions to effectively merge and acquire a business. Learn more about our services and how we can help you and your future Delaware business. Please complete our form online or call Casey Hoskins, at 302-747-8827.

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